A current client had, as most of us do, many, many photos in various states of organization (if any at all). She had attempted to get them organized on her own more than once but the project was just too big for her busy schedule. Together though, we have managed to corral and sort the photos into categories such as kid 1, kid 2, family trips, home renovations, etc. then within each category, we sorted in chronological order. We still have multiple sessions to go in order to get them all sorted in chronological order by theme before we can begin to discuss how she would like them presented; whether that be in heirloom quality photo boxes or beautiful photo books. Do know though, that there is hope for your photos too. It will take time and persistence to see the project through. The rewards will be great and will continue to be a great investment of your time long after the project is done. Friends and family will be so very glad you took the time to honour those memories hiding in the closet. Take a look at the progression of the project so far!